Upcoming events.

Reiki Healing by Destiny
Feeling blocked? Underwhelmed?? Book a reiki healing session with Destiny!

Energy Protection Workshop
Learn how to cleanse and protect your energy so you can show up as your most loving, vibrant self.

Broom Making Class
We had so much fun last month, Amanda is back! This time we will make turkey wing hand brooms! Brooms are good luck and can be used to make a wish, ward off unwanted guests and stir up stale energy. Tap into your Appalachian Roots with this broom making class. Feel free to bring a personal charm to add to the good luck of your broom! Get your Broom Making Ticket here!

Live laugh ludow
Join us in our quaint river town for a host of happenings. Breakfast Sammies, books, beers, flea market, fashion, and a bunch more. Come on down to Ludlow and see what’s happening!

Bellevue Farmers Market
Beelicious will be vending along side of so many wonderful vendors in Bellevue’s beautiful Beach Park! Come out for a lovely day along the river, good food, good music, good vibes✨

Open House Making: Beeswax Lantern✨
Who doesn’t love impromptu creativity?! Join us anytime during business hours and make your very own 100% Beeswax Lantern✨ $28 ✨

Broom Making Workshop
Join the Beelicious collective for delightfully witchy fun and make Alter Brooms! Class led by Amanda Sanders of Scorpius Light. We will discuss the history of besom brooms, watch a demonstration and get to make your very own broom! Broom Workshop Tickets

Shop Ludlow
Join us all in Ludlow for an evening of fun, friends, food, wine, books, beer, liquor, shopping , art and much more!

Shop Ludlow: Block Party
Your favorite Ludlow shopping event is back! With a block party theme! Visit all your favorite Ludlow spots for a fun night out. Beelicious will be featuring jewelry shop pop up from Goldie & Grace, natural snow cone bar, and a surprise!! Join us and see what the buzzz is all about!

events Calendar
Looking for a beautiful space to have a meeting of the minds, showcase products or host a workshop?
✨Beelicious in Ludlow boasts 16’ ceilings, late 1800s tile floors and all kinds of good vibes✨
Complete the form below to book this space: